Category: Pillows

The Cosy House Collection Pillow Quiz: Which Pillow Is Right For You?

The Cosy House Collection Pillow Quiz: Which Pillow Is Right For You?

Do you wake up with a stiff neck or a headache? Are you tired of tossing and turning all night long? If so, it might be time for a new pillow. But with so many different pillows on the market, how do you know which is right? That's where the Cosy House Collection Pillow Quiz comes in. And it’s only 3 straightforward, super easy questions. So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now! Get The Sleep You Deserve:...

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8 Summer Décor Tips to Make Your House Look (& Feel) Cool

8 Summer Décor Tips to Make Your House Look (& Feel) Cool

Is your house THE house for summertime fun and hangout seshes when the kids are home for vacation? What about having the adults come over for a well-deserved summer party?...

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Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

There are many reasons why one may have extra bedding in their home, whether it's to fit the seasons or you tend to redecorate often. But as your bedding collection...

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Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

We all know getting a good night’s rest is crucial to living a happy, healthy life. But did you know your bedroom could affect not only how you sleep, but...

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Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! It’s the perfect time to shower Mom with appreciation, adoration, and some super sweet presents. After all, moms are some of the hardest...

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Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

If you share your home with your furry best friend, sometimes it can be hard to keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean. You know the drill—pet hair, weird...

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How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

Spring is in the air and April is upon us, which means National Decorating Month is upon us, too. It’s the perfect time to start prepping for friends and family...

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Hair Breakage (or Frizz)? Your Bedding Might Be to Blame!

Hair Breakage (or Frizz)? Your Bedding Might Be to Blame!

We’re all used to the frizzy hair-warm weather combo. It’s something that just can’t be avoided. But what about the frizz that persists all year round? Where is that coming...

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5 Ways to Naturally Freshen and Soften Laundry

5 Ways to Naturally Freshen and Soften Laundry

The washer is supposed to clean and freshen your clothes, not leave them smelling moldy! If you aren’t happy with the way your clothes smell after coming out of the...

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How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

Struggling with random neck pain? While it may seem incurable, there's likely an easy switch you can make to ease your pain. Sleeping on the wrong pillow or, even worse,...

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5 Dorm Room Gifts for Your College Student

5 Dorm Room Gifts for Your College Student

For most young people, college is a new and exciting chapter in their life. While it’s fun to meet new people and try new activities, the transition from living in...

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The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

Are you redesigning your bedroom and not sure where to begin? The easiest place to start is the focal point of the bedroom, which is—you guessed it—the bed! A bedroom...

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How Firm Should My Pillow Be?

How Firm Should My Pillow Be?

How much do you think about your pillow? All the time? Never? Most people put little thought into their pillow even though it plays a pivotal role in your sleep...

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How Do I Care For Bamboo Pillows? (And Other Questions)

How Do I Care For Bamboo Pillows? (And Other Questions)

Taking the leap and ditching your traditional pillow for a bamboo viscose memory foam pillow can be a big decision. We surveyed some of our customers and came up with...

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Is your Pillow Toxic? Read this!

Is your Pillow Toxic? Read this!

What do you think of when you hear the word “contamination”? Maybe you visualize re-called, bad meats or dirty lakes and polluted drinking water. No one ever really thinks of...

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How A Cleaner Pillowcase Combats Acne & Allergies

How A Cleaner Pillowcase Combats Acne & Allergies

Did you know that the well-being of our skin and immune systems can be affected by unclean sheets? So, What’s the Deal? Contrary to popular belief, acne isn’t always caused by imbalanced...

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4 Resolutions For A Healthier, Happier Home in 2019

4 Resolutions For A Healthier, Happier Home in 2019

Give your age-old New Year’s resolution a reboot with this easy guide to a toxin-free home in 2019! Is it just me or are New Year’s Resolutions losing their sparkle? Between...

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Is Your Pillow Toxic?

Is Your Pillow Toxic?

We rest our heads on them every night. Maybe, we even drool on them a little. Something so fluffy and soft couldn't be toxic. Right?   What do you think of...

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