Category: Lack of sleep

It's Time to Ditch These 5 Sleeping Habits

It's Time to Ditch These 5 Sleeping Habits

Did you know that roughly 50 to 70 million U.S. adults don't get enough sleep or have chronic sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia? [3] We’ve all struggled with getting enough quality sleep at some point or another.  But, if you’re trying to constantly grapple with sleep, you might unknowingly be doing these five sleeping habits that could be hindering your ability to sleep deeply. What are they and how can you fix them? Keep reading to find out....

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Sleepy vs Fatigue: What’s the difference?

Sleepy vs Fatigue: What’s the difference?

Sleepiness and fatigue may seem like interchangeable terms, but there’s actually a difference between the two. Though fatigue is similar to being sleepy in that it involves an extreme lack...

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Is It Good to Drink Water Before Bed?

Is It Good to Drink Water Before Bed?

You’ve heard of the midnight snacks, the nightcaps, and the warm glasses of milk. Ever heard of taking a big swig of cool water right before bed to help you...

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Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Whether you’re a student trying to make it by on coffee alone or an average adult with a busy schedule, you are probably among the vast majority of Americans that...

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